Zero theory – nothing but execution on what most only talk or dream

Cobb salad from room service at The Breakers
Not a big salad eater, but room service late night (8pm) dinner at The Breakers (3 nights ago) seemed reasonable


When morning exercise plans fall apart (and this should be a rare exception), it’s helpful to have a tried and true plan b.

Made it to the gym for a great core and strength workout. Who cares, right?

What makes this blog different (imho) is there is absolutely zero theory – nothing but execution on what most only talk or dream about.

Some pull-ups, push-ups, some hamstring, quadriceps, and glut exercises, and fairly serious front and back core exercises.

Heart rate in the 120-160 zone for 65 minutes.

Next Blog


Real life in real time isn’t a theory

a New Orleans condominium tag line
a New Orleans condominium tag line


Real life in real time isn’t a theory. Yet many of us search for theories to implement… endlessly.

Isn’t it time to “get real”?

So here’s the deal, this post is done, I’m heading out the door for a run (while the sun comes up). Will be back to finish Mid Life Celebration’s other three posts, then breakfast, then work at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog