One text is worth a 1,000 words

running accomplishment


One text is worth a 1,000 words.

Previous best was 8:35.

Huge improvement.

By the way, as a Baby Boomer, the main theme for our improvement, is maintaining our health after we reach an elevated state (compared to our “previous health before our lifetime commitment began”).


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


What if we went over by three seconds?

Snow White at Epcot
We are being watched all the time, even when running (quickly)


What if we went over by three seconds?

If we tried to do something in six minutes or less and didn’t, would we be disappointed?

So yeah, let’s take a 6:03 mile as not meeting the goal but close enough.


Because coming back from injury, off-season, or any other reason, is a process that can not be rushed.

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Never be okay with giving in to “it’s not worth it anymore”

Mile split for Master's runner
Three weeks of travel to freezing locations throws things off a bit


Excuses are a dime a dozen and it’s easy to walk around with a nickel’s worth.

Be okay with getting detoured, but never be okay with giving in to “it’s not worth it anymore”.

Note: Aimed for sub-six-minute mile. Prior to the three week stretch, able to do it ‘at will’. Not yesterday.

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