Dear Son, You Are Lucky To Have Me As Your Father

Contrary to popular belief, the road to excellent health has no finish line.

Dear Son, you are so lucky to have me as your Father. Together, we are preparing you for a lifetime of excellent health habits. And, perhaps even more importantly, a lifetime of hard work.

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A Weird Blog Post Category – Dear Son

A brilliant example of how you save not only a pet's life, but maybe your own as well.

Dear Son, one of the greatest compensations in life is that you can not help another without actually helping yourself. As I help you, it helps me. As you help others, it helps you, and so on…bank on Life’s Ripple Effect.

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jeff noel’s Official Health Tip You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Will the first stop be here…

Or here?

jeff noel’s official health tip you’ll only find here: When people think of your health, will they hold you up as an example or a warning?

This motivates the heck out of me to be the example our son will be looking for when he starts to make his own health decisions. Do you put this kind of pressure on yourself?

What if you did? And I mean, for the rest of your life.

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