To Know Is To Do, You Know?

Reading helps us know. Doing allows us to understand.

Knowing doesn’t cut it. Doing is the only measure of our understanding. (profound) To know is to do. To know and not do is to not yet know.

Insight: We create epidemics and major unhealthy trends when we ignore common sense (don’t text and drive, get regular exercise, spend less than you earn…).

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Mid Life Celebration Preaches Common Sense, Focus And Discipline

Fight Fat: Easy, Healthy Fast (sure, I'll believe that - except for the easy & fast parts)

Be thankful that we are not gullible in midlife. Right? Fight fat: Easy, Healthy, Fast. Are you kidding me? Who gets to write this stuff? If fighting fat were easy and fast, well, would two-thirds of our nation be overweight? Go. Fight this with common sense, focus, and discipline.

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