The process of aging is interesting because it begs a few questions and observations

Huntsman Senior Games 2011
Let age be a number other’s worry about


The process of aging is interesting because it begs a few questions and observations:

What is aging?

Can it be slowed?

Can one physical setback be enough to quit?

At the end of the day, time waits for no one.

It is wise to expect setbacks as normal, and unavoidable.

Like mother nature and her occasional severe weather – this too shall pass.

Incumbent on us to be prepared, ride it out, recover quickly.

And enjoy the subsequently beautiful weather.

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One of jeff noel’s most frequently asked questions

jeff noel running near Disney World
Running and writing typically happen before the sun rises (but not this day)


One of jeff noel’s most frequently asked questions:

Run or write?

Each morning there is time pressure. Pressure varies, but is always there.

Neither can be sacrificed. Both can be compromised.

But by how much and for how long?

This plagues us throughout our lifetime – sorting and committing to priorities.

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Which would you rather be?

Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule
Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule


Which would you rather be? Haven’t asked this in a year, maybe two (or three):

Would you rather be the fastest of the slowest? Or the slowest of the fastest?

No right or wrong answer, and our answer accurately describes our approach to life – which again, is neither right nor wrong.

The insight is that we ought to know ourselves and what our answer implies.

And milk it for all it’s worth, or change it.

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What I was asking at Mid Life Celebration is simply what’s crossing my mind now

Teddy Bear at Delta Gate sign
Real life in real time – keep the positive energy flowing


What I was asking at Mid Life Celebration is simply what’s crossing my mind now. In Atlanta waiting for a smaller jet to Iowa.

No time to write five blogs before heading to Orlando airport a few hours ago.

But did have time to run a sub-six minute mile (5:53).

And mow the lawn, do weed control, pool stuff (including a dip), and walk Cooper.

Point is, today is a gift.

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We must constantly resist the temptation to give up what we want most

Giraffe at Disney's Animal Kingdom Safari
There are a million reasons not to exercise


We must constantly resist the temptation to give up what we want most, for what we want right now.

If you regularly exercise, and I don’t mean some bull crap casual “exercise”, well done.

If you haven’t regularly exercised in so long you can’t remember, may I ask a sincere, and direct question?

Why the hell not?

Sorry, someone close to me committed suicide two days ago, and the things I normally worry about – like asking pointed, but extraordinarily important questions – are things today that don’t seem too worrisome in the big picture.

Mind and body done, next, a short, pithy post about our emotional spirit, click here.