Three ways to read this sign?

outlet store window sign
Could also read: Thrive you life or survive your life. No?


(photo: Orlando store window… the caption is critical to this post making sense)

The really cool thing about our struggles is that it levels the playing field.

We all have them. Tons of them.

Becoming fanatical about balance seems the only way to thrive.

Well, settling for a life of ‘survival’ is another commonly chosen option.

This is the decision the physician presented in 1999… diet and exercise.

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We are only capable of a little more than we think is impossible

Collins Bridge Miami Beach from Marriott upper floor
The bridge below is no big deal compared to the many other more complex, bigger bridges


Collins Bridge Miami Beach
A serious bridge back in the day… it was impossible until they built it…


We are only capable of a little more than we think is impossible.

Worth a re-read the line above.

Impossible isn’t something no human has ever done, our impossible is something we’ve never done.

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