We’re gonna pay one way or the other

Mickey Mouse shaped waffle


(photo: It’s been said: You are what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out. Your body is a temple housing everything keeping you alive.)

Heard it said that you can spend your money at the grocery store or you can spend it at the doctor’s office.

Quality choices are our choice.

Buy the best you can afford.

Make sacrifices in order to make better choices.

We’re gonna pay one way or the other.

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How bad do we want it?

O Magazine cover
Check out the lower left corner… what is Oprah’s lifetime health track record?


How bad do we want it?

And what exactly do we want?

We’re thinking lifetime plan, right?

It’s ridiculously easy to quit short term goals because we can rationalize another try in the future.

What if the driving goal was a lifetime of health and wellness, and bathing suit season?

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Age means nothing and exercise gets unfairly criticized

Hugh Macleod cartoon subscription form
Motivation IS Oxygen – without purpose we are doomed


The 70-something woman who has never exercised commented last night that she has much more energy after her physical therapy sessions.

Afterwards she has the energy to do four or five errands – something previously unheard of.

For five weeks she’s been going to therapy to strengthen her legs because in five days she is having knee replacement surgery.

The stereotype is that exercise makes us tired.

Guess again.

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