It’s Completely Up To You

What you do today is completely up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.

Yes, everyone has obligations that must be attended to.  Yes, there are things that come up unexpectedly – and sometimes these events are tragic.

Yes, it’s difficult.  Yes, it’s overwhelming.  Yes, it’s confusing, frustrating, painful and on and on.

Thank you for listening.  You may have thought this was written for you.  Well, sort of.  Mostly though, I write to myself.  So, please don’t take offense to the tone.

If we can’t talk honestly and openly with ourselves, we probably can’t with anyone else either.  And even more than Halloween, that scares the heck out of me.

Did You Exercise Yesterday?

Did you?  Great if you did.  If you had a planned rest day, also great.

But if you didn’t do either in a purposeful way, you get another chance today.

Here are a couple tips, the most critical things, I’ve found to keep a positive momentum:

  • Have a goal, or purpose, bigger than yourself
  • Find the time of day that works best
  • Add it to your calendar (no afterthoughts)
  • Find an easy way to keep track of your progress
  • Forgive yourself if you miss a day, but don’t make it a habit
  • Have fun, stay healthy (injuries demotivate)
  • Carpe diem

Reality Check

Reality check.  Being on the road all week has taken a toll on my wellness efforts.

Lack of sleep, lack of exercise and lack of proper nutrition adds up quickly for my body.  At 50, routine is more important than ever.

An object in motion, tends to stay in motion.  An object at rest, tends to stay at rest.

Which one are you?  Which one am I?

Our health and overall well-being are completely dependent on us to figure this out and make it work in our busy schedules.

No excuses are acceptable.

Gotta go.  Time for a much needed run.

Motivational Secret @ Lane 8

Want the secret to staying motivated?

We already know most people can find reason to get motivated.

The real secret is staying motivated.  Did you hear that?  Did it sink in?  STAYING motivated!

You must, repeat must, find a reason bigger than yourself to do what’s common sense.

Exercise, nutrition, and rest are key health strategies.  They are common sense.  They are not common practice.

Why?  Because there is always an easier choice to make.  And, you already know what it is.  You don’t need anyone to remind you.