The long way is the short cut

First of three 4+ mile walks around Disneyland on this day.


The long way is the short cut. Ran a very slow five-miler this morning before sunrise. First time running in new shoes. Walked about 40 miles at Disneyland, plus 60 miles logged walking in Orlando prior.

Because of foot challenges, have been wearing trail running shoes for 12 years. The new shoes are a dramatic departure. This could cause new foot injuries if the adjustment is not gradual enough.

One hundred miles was a great break in effort. No issues on today’s run.

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Can you feel it, do you feel it?

jeff noel traits
Determination, humility, and simplicity look good on paper…


Can you feel it, do you feel it?

The itch.

To ramp things up.

The call of a new year looming.

A new season.

A new age-group on the horizon.

And maybe, quietly, something to prove (even though there’s nothing to prove).

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