Back To Mid Life Celebration’s Health & Wellness Story (From Zion National Park)

Not quite 9am, October 3, 2011 (perfect)

As we Baby Boomers struggle to slow down during hectic holiday and economic times, we would be wise to consider the many obvious benefits to sticking to a lifetime of physical activity, adequate rest and moderate eating. Embedded in the list is “getting to do more than if you weren’t relatively healthy”. Amen. Hard work is the short cut.

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Stay Healthy, Have Fun And Keep Moving Forward

Stay healthy, have fun. Brought an assistant (11) along on his 1st business trip.
One of my assistant's duties was to digitally capture the Senior Games story.
He did an excellent job on his first day.

Boomers, staying healthy is key to enjoying age group competition. But physical health isn’t the only thing Mid Life Celebration focuses on. Like many Boomers nearing retirement age, jeff noel operates a Health and Wellness business as a speaker and writer. Attending the Huntsman Senior Games was his son’s first business trip. When you stay with something long enough, opportunities you never dreamed of are placed in your path.

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Mid Life Celebration Preaches Common Sense, Focus And Discipline

Fight Fat: Easy, Healthy Fast (sure, I'll believe that - except for the easy & fast parts)

Be thankful that we are not gullible in midlife. Right? Fight fat: Easy, Healthy, Fast. Are you kidding me? Who gets to write this stuff? If fighting fat were easy and fast, well, would two-thirds of our nation be overweight? Go. Fight this with common sense, focus, and discipline.

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Can A Boomer Systematically Rid Themselves Of All The Excuses To Not Get Moving?

Sounds Exciting, But Looks Confusing & Chaotic

No plan for success will work if we don’t. How difficult would it be to make a list of the common excuses that keep us Boomers from being active? An excuse like: “I can not go for a walk four or five times a week”.

If my posts sound like I’m writing to an audience, I am, but it’s an audience of one. Me. Everyday it’s the same, find a million ways to not quit. We better be the first in our own line to volunteer to help ourselves.

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