Did You Know?

Know Your Numbers
Know Your Numbers

Did you know that if you don’t know these numbers (below), there are people like me who question your intelligence?

Do you know your:

  • Body weight
  • HDL & LDL cholesterol
  • Blood pressure
  • Resting heart rate
  • Triglycerides
  • BMI (body mass index)

These are the bare minimum numbers you should know and manage. If you feel uncomfortable with today’s tone, good.

You can wait for your wake up call, or you can anticipate it and manage it before it gets out of control. People who nag you about your health love you.

You knew that right?

Lane 8 WMA World Championships

Click here to go to the WMA Masters Athletics Track & Field 2010 Indoor World Championships in Kaamloops, British Columbia.

Most likely, I’ll be the only one clicking on the link.  Why?  Because there are not too many people smart enough over 40 years old (any age really), who focus on their wellness as much as I’m motivated to do.

Why?  Well, um, well, I really don’t know.  Probably has something to do with an unresolved emotional issue or a predisposition to over-achieve.  Everyone has unique quirks.  Staying healthy is one of mine.