Lane 8 Optimism

Tell Them Age Is An Excuse
Tell Them Age Is An Excuse

What can we learn from defeat, loss, failure?

Many things to be sure. But only if we try hard to learn from setback. And only if we listen. And only if we then try again.

Are you listening? And I don’t mean, “Sleigh bells ring, are you listening”.

I mean, are you the kind of person that will pick yourself up after you fall?

Are you the type of person that finds a million ways to stay motivated?

You see, getting motivated is one thing. What makes winners is staying motivated.

Oh wait, you want to tell me something, right?

Okay, go ahead.

“Jeff, you don’t understand, my life is hard. It’s very difficult.”

Here’s a Christmas gift for you, and it is given with the most hopeful and sincere intent – “No one has it easy. Period. End of story.”

This may scare some people off, and I would hate to see that happen, but I can’t allow myself to make excuses.

How can I teach our son (9), that it’s okay to make excuses?

Exercise Fitness Wellness

Exercise.  Fitness.  Wellness.  Flexibility.  Strength.  Cardiovascular.

Blood pressure. Resting heart rate. Good cholesterol.  Bad cholesterol. Body Mass Index.  Triglycerides.

Those words should mean something.  So should these.

Determination.  Perseverance. Tenacity. Hope. Dreams. Persistence. Motivation.  Inspiration.  Courage.

Focus.  Discipline.  Results.  Good habits.  Bad habits.  Dreams. Goals. Success.

If not today, when?  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem.

Lane 8 Flashback

It’s 5AM, November 17, 2009 here in Orlando, Florida. I write five blogs every single day. Adidas has a tag line, “Impossible is Nothing“!

Nike has one too, “I’ve Got Soul“.  It’s even a You Tube video.  It’s what I’m I’m craving right now – a little soul.

That video, even though it’s only 63 seconds, never fails to inspire me. How many days, and how many ways, do you inspire yourself before you ever walk out your front door?

Seriously, how many?  Hey, you don’t owe me an answer. You’ll never owe me anything. But I challenge you to challenge yourself and ask, “What do I owe myself?

Disney Creativity & Lane 8?

Can Lane 8 learn anything from Disney’s creative strategies and tactics?

The obvious answer is yes.

By the way, the only reason I’m able to run at such a high level is because, as an experiment, I started applying the Disney principles to running.

Just before I turned 40, I started running to improve my health and am now into my 11th consecutive year – and about seven years ago, I had a crazy idea.   Here’s the short story

I decided to do an experiment.

To prove Disney philosophies can work anywhere, I began applying them to running.  The results have been staggering.

Anyway, here’s another jeff noel midlife You Tube clip – this one on Running and Disney Creativity.

I used to feel free to make excuses for why I was stuck, or why I wanted to quit.  I didn’t do it often.

The road to excellence has no finish line.  I know everyone is fighting a hard battle.  Me too.

But if you think you’ve got challenges, ask Nick Vujicic.

Carpe diem and thank you for visiting.

PS. Peace, jeff noel 🙂

Ever get a perfect health score?

Ever get a perfect health score?

Friday’s strength test and core test proved one thing in particular.

A decade worth of hard work, persistence, determination, goal setting, set backs, failures, successes, sweat, pain, motivation,  lack of confidence, confusion, stress, progress, injuries, rehab, physical therapy, core workouts, speed work, and endurance work.

Plus, stretching, flexibility training, 5k’s, 10k’s, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1,500 meters, obsession, surrender, thinking, smiling, hoping, visioning, praying, playing, involving family, sacrificing family, nutrition, reading, studying, working full time, volunteering, dreaming, sleeping, lying awake, and probably many more – but I better stop now.

The result?

A perfect score!  My physical therapist determined my core was a perfect score of 21 out of 21.  She used a test used on professional athletes to look for imbalances and weaknesses.

The leg strength test showed my right versus left leg was only 2/10ths of a percent apart.

The staff at Florida Hospital Rehab awarded me the “Most Symmetrical Person” they have ever seen there.

What all of this means is that the efforts have yielded extra-ordinary results.

Life is like that.  You reap what you sow.

I’ll try to not forget that simple truth.  Even though I’m easily distracted.  “Oh look, a bird”!

Make today a day to at least consider your physical health and ask yourself, “Am I investing in my health”?   Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂