Hike up to Granite, body

Mountain in clouds
Mt Oberlin. From Granite Park Chalet.
Mountain in clouds
Zooming out for context in the bigger picture.

Weather stops people from being active outside. Don’t let it happen to you.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Swiftcurrent Motor Inn, body

Amtrack station
East Glacier Amtrack Station is across the street from a National Park Lodge.

i feel at home with strenuous thoughts.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Hike up to Granite, body

13-second video: This would be scary if i wasn’t accustomed to being deep in, with no other humans but Cheryl.
Park trailhead sign
Not quite five miles to No Name Lake. (take the 3.1 miles on watch plus the 1.6 on the sign: 4.7 miles)
AllTrails screen shot
Discovered that AllTrails tells me Peak names. Upper/middle right, Flinsch Peak.
Pixar toy figurines in the mountains
Not quite five miles to No Name Lake. Flinch Peak (9,200’), upper right.

Listen to your body.


Knew when i awoke that my legs felt heavy. On paper i wanted to reach Dawson Pass. My body made the case for backing down.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GPL day 4, body

8:20 AM. Two Medicine Lake is behind us.
13-second video: The Fox startled me. Why? Because it should have run off at my sight. It did not run.

Hiking eight to ten miles before noon never hurt anyone.


People have jobs.

i get it.

Heck i can write a (7) book(s) about it.

And now, i can hike 8-10 miles in the morning like it’s normal for most Americans.

It ain’t.

But it is for us.

As American (Disney) retirees.

It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.