It’s Time To Get It Checked

I Think He Thinks I'm Crazy
I Think He Thinks I'm Crazy

Fear keeps us from doing many of the common sense things we know we should do.

Well, fear, and a busy schedule.

But maybe we create a busy schedule to hide our fear, so we can blame our procrastination on our self-imposed “hiding”.

Friday morning. Me. The Doctor. Right calf.

Let’s get this thing figured out.

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What’s Wrong With Our Motivation?

Mountain Or Molehill Of Motivation?
Mountain Or Molehill Of Motivation?

What’s wrong with our motivation?

Maybe there’s nothing wrong with it.

Why are we so challenged to stay motivated?

Maybe we aren’t.

What do the greatest athletes, artists, leaders, do that separates their motivation from the rest of us?

Maybe they don’t do anything differently, except one thing.

They will do tomorrow, the same thing they did today, only better.

What’s stopping us from doing that?

Lane 8 Hypocrite

Lane 8 Hypocrite?
Lane 8 Hypocrite?

Maybe. Maybe not.

On January 5, 2009 my Family Physician wrote a script for a routine colonoscopy, since this is the year I turned 50.

Well, here we are, almost January, 2010 – a year later.  No colonoscopy.  Not even scheduled yet.

How in the hell can that happen?

Simple.  You already know, don’t you?  We get busy.  Distracted. Paralyzed – with the fear of making a commitment.

So, please know I ain’t perfect.  Big dreamer?  Absolutely.  Perfect?  No way.

But if you look at the batting average, it represents a decent overall “practice what you preach” reality.

How’s your batting average?

Lane 8 Succeeds Due to Failure

Lane 8 is successful because Lane 8 is a failure.

Huh?  Exactly.

I could try and explain it to you, but you already know what I’m talking about, don’t you?  If you are confused, this 30-second You Tube video should clear it up:

There, that’s the point of this Lane 8 message today. We succeed in proportion to our willingness to fail.

Fearing failure is a sure fire way to have success elude you.  Who wants that?