The Top Reason Why Most People Quit Exercising

Experimenting with bread mold conditions is no different than experimenting with boredom conditions.

The main reason we quit exercising is simple and obvious. Boredom.

The antidote? Find a million ways not to. Yesterday morning’s run had a predictable route, but I didn’t feel like going the whole way and turning around. So I was going to take a shorter route to get the job done quicker – minimize the boredom…

…but decided to explore a route I’d never taken. Had the longest run in five years, and wasn’t bored for a moment.

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How To Get Rid Of Habitual Excuse Addiction

Yeah, that's it, the secret is the quad core processor. (gullible, party of one, right this way)

Here’s the bottom line on how to get rid of excuse addiction. Wait..timeout! If I could tell every individual person how to successfully do this, I’d be a millionaire, right?

Insight: Are you getting this yet? If there was an easy answer, there would be no gazillion dollar diet and weight loss industry.

PS. An important PSA (public service announcement) tomorrow…

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Can A Boomer Systematically Rid Themselves Of All The Excuses To Not Get Moving?

Sounds Exciting, But Looks Confusing & Chaotic

No plan for success will work if we don’t. How difficult would it be to make a list of the common excuses that keep us Boomers from being active? An excuse like: “I can not go for a walk four or five times a week”.

If my posts sound like I’m writing to an audience, I am, but it’s an audience of one. Me. Everyday it’s the same, find a million ways to not quit. We better be the first in our own line to volunteer to help ourselves.

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