Out Of Nowhere

Just A Small Glimpse of a Larger Picture
Just A Small Glimpse of a Larger Picture
Here Comes Your Health
Here Comes Your Health
It's Getting Closer, And It's Coming Fast
It's Getting Closer, And It's Coming Fast
It's Much Larger and Longer Than You Can Imagine
It's Much Larger and Longer Than You Can Imagine
It's Right In Front Of You (Everyday)
It's Right In Front Of You (Everyday)

How has your health been the past few days?

How often does it cross your mind?

Never? Rarely? One a year? Occasionally?

All day, everyday?

What if it did?

And what if it was so habitual, you weren’t even conscious of all the healthy choices you make?

Next Blog

Everyday Courage Has Few Witnesses

All Proof Destroyed?
All Proof Destroyed?

“Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you, and no crowds shout your name.” Robert Louis Stevenson

Maybe you believe in yourself, or maybe you don’t.

The more days that you go without quitting what you you really want to do, the stronger your belief will become.

There really is no other way to change.

You simply must have resolve. A goal is not enough.

You must want this for the rest of your life.

Remember, your everyday courage will have very few witnesses.

How’s that sound?