Do you still remember what your impossible means?

setting high health goals
wishes stay wishes or become life dissatisfiers, if we do nothing

What will it be in 2013? Do you still remember that your impossible doesn’t mean something no one has ever done. It means something you’ve never done.

This could be as impossible as keeping up with your exercise habits for two months in a row instead of one.

Pat yourself on the back if you know that in ten words you can click to go to the Next Blog


Dream Big Lane 8

Easy? Fast? Lies!
Easy? Fast? Lies!

What does it take, day after day, to stay motivated?

That’s really the difference between a casual approach and a committed approach.

You knew that, right?

If you don’t dream big (like for the rest of your life), you lose.

Big is not:

  • Losing weight for the cruise
  • Losing weight for the School Reunion
  • Watching your diet for your upcoming blood test
  • Losing weight to get back in your old jeans
  • Losing weight for swim suit season

Big is only one thing:

  • For your lifetime health and fitness

Got it?

Good.  Enjoy your food and your exercise today.

Health Blogs

You Can Do It
You Can Do It

There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-million blogs on the Internet, and growing daily.

There are 221-million results if you Google “Health Blogs”.

What are all these health-blog people trying to say? Please let me summarize for you:

  1. Dream Big
  2. Get There
  3. Stay There

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

PS. Do your excuses make you stop or make you sick? Mine made me sick. Sick to think that I’m the only one responsible for my actions and I wasn’t doing anything about it, except making excuses.

Excuses be damned.

Daily Wellness Tips

For daily wellness tips from Everyday Health, click here. Once on the Calendar page, if you click on any date, a short, daily wellness tip will pop up for you.

Meanwhile, here are my favorite daily wellness tips:

  1. Think Big Picture – long term
  2. Be flexible with your schedule/routine
  3. Be creative with your schedule/routine
  4. Work through the mental tough spots
  5. Find a million ways to stay motivated

There are others, but these are the critical success factors that work for me. My way is not the only way. And this list is intended to share the common sense building blocks for a wide variety of approaches.

The best way, is the way that works for you.  And, generally speaking, the best way for you is the one that you never abandon.  Good luck and here’s to your health!