Master’s Advocate

Getting motivated is one thing.  Achieving a big goal is another.  But staying active for the rest of your life, now there’s an impossible goal.

Motivation is like a meal, several hours later, we are in need of more. Here’s one of my favorite “restaurants”.

Only you can make the choice. No one else. It’s very challenging to stay motivated. Find a million ways or people might look at you as a warning instead of an example.

Slowest of the Fastest?

What does this metaphor, “The slowest of the Fastest” mean?

It means very simply this:

We have a choice every moment of every day.

To be positive, or, to not be positive.

Here’s one of life’s invisible truths:  Everybody is fighting a hard battle.  Everyone.  Even the people who appear, on the surface, to have a great (easy) life.

We all have a choice on how we live our lives.

There are two choices:

  1. To be the fastest of the slowest.
  2. To be the slowest of the fastest.

On our deathbed, if we are lucky (blessed) to have this moment, we can look back on our lives and say with a peaceful joy, “I gave it my best effort and have no regrets about what I could have, should have or would have done“.

Visit, or revisit, if you’re interested, the post that explains another metaphor, Lane 8 .

Carpe diem, because if you don’t, who will.  If not today, when?  jeff 🙂

Worry about your health

What’s the most common thing healthy-looking people hear from others?

“You don’t need to worry about your health. You’re in great shape.”


Denial, eh?

It’s denial on the part of the people saying this – the “unhealthy” people.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to be hurtful. I’m just calling it the way I see it.

I’ve struggled with my health – weight, cholestrol, addiction, muscle atrophy, triglycerides, Body Mass Index, cardiovascular system, energy level, etc – all my life. Seriously.

And during my five decades, there have been varying degrees of focus and “success”.

I have found many “secrets” to health and I wish to share them with you.

The sad truth is that only three percent reading this will actually figure out a way to stay connected to the insights and practical tips – and the hope and purpose this blog will offer them.

Are you one of those people?

Hey, I get to go for a run. Or, I could go eat some donuts…..