96 Percent ain’t good enough

What are you satisfied with? A 96% would be an “A” on most tests.  Not satisfied with an “A”.  The overachiever in me wants an “A+”.

Early this morning, I got an “A”, with a “96”.  I’ll take it and feel very good about it.  And feel very, very thankful, too.

Felt great.  Opened it up a bit on the second and fourth mile.  Heel held up nicely.

This leaves me cautiously optimistic.  So, I’ll celebrate with two full days of rest.  I’m due for this any way.

Have a GREAT weekend.  My favorite day of the whole year is tomorrow – Easter Sunday.

Carpe diem!  Chase your goals and never, ever, give up.  jeff  🙂

Happy Monday

Hey, I didn’t run today.  Had a big Keynote speech to deliver at 9:00AM to 1,200 Guests, and was at the venue before 7:00AM.   It was GREAT, by the way. 

Each year, I’m blessed, a handful of times, to have impacted an audience so much so that they are compelled to stand and applaud.  Today was one of those days.  Wow!  Humbled.

Felt sickly afterwards, and decided that was nature’s way of telling me to, “Take the day off from working out, you need the rest”.

My left foot does not feel great.  Pain is better than three weeks ago, but not gone.  Patience.  Faith.  Trust.  Surrender.  Etc.  Plus, I have so much to be thankful for, I start to feel guilty with the dream of running with world-class Master’s athletes.

We’ll see how it goes in the morning.

Dream Big. Get There. Stay There

Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There.

I would like to make the world a better place before I die.

What do you want to do before you die?

If you can’t provide an immediate answer, then think of the wonderful opportunity you have before you.

How cool is that?

If this sort of thing repulses you, no worries.  Diversity is what makes the world so beautiful.

I’ll miss you if you never return to this site.  Wishing you Peace in your Soul, Joy in your Spirirt, and Love in your Heart.

Good luck with your dreams.  Please try to make the world a better place.

As Gandhi said, “You must become the change you wish to see in the world.”

I’m changing.

It’s hard.  Sometimes confusing.  Sometimes frustrating.  Sometimes, it’s so overwhelmingly joyful, that I don’t think I’m worthy.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂