Midlife Health & Wellness Expert jeff noel Is An Orlando Based Motivational Speaker

University Of New Mexico Conference Center Auditorium
jeff noel Is An Orlando Based Motivational Speaker

Midlife health & wellness expert jeff noel is an Orlando based motivational speaker. Three things make a Baby Boomer an expert:

  1. They perform something well
  2. They can teach others
  3. They have few peers

What’s that saying we grew up hearing? It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it. The most desired wellness state is the most ignored – work life balance. noel is leading The Movement.

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Wellness Challenge 2011

An Iowa Marriott front desk brochure…

Wellness used to be a buzz word in corporate health care initiatives. Wellness implies living a well balanced lifestyle.

Lane 8 is a health, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise, well-being blog. A way to teach Chapin about the fundamentals. And to provide inspiration for staying motivated for lifetime wellness.

Chapin and I began running one-mail-box a day recently.

Join us in this wellness initiative. Just jog, very slowly, one mailbox a day for the first week.

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