Baby Boomer Humor?

Baby Boomer Humor?

If laughter is the best medicine, where does exercise, adequate rest and moderate eating fall? You know what jeff noel thinks is funny? How ignorant smart people look when they neglect their health. Funny in a sad way. And funny in a strange way – the way we laugh when a teen is texting and stumbles into a shopping mall water fountain and tries to sue the mall.

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Repetition Is The Mother Of All Learning, Says Baby Boomer jeff noel

Lane 8, Rice University, Houston, Texas 2010

Fellow Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers, please listen up. Who do you go to for authentic health and wellness advice you can trust? Is it a person who expertly understands work/life balance and you can actually see them demonstrate this expertise every single day, for years on end? You know, someone who practices it first and then preaches it?

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Of Course, jeff noel Didn’t Tell Us What To Do Or How To Do It

Dream big. Get there. Stay there. (your good health)

Hold on, jeff noel did tell you what to do. In fact, noel suggested several life changing diet tips:

  • Embrace that the long way is the short cut
  • Understand the food pyramid basics
  • Make every food choice a conscious one
  • Execution trumps knowledge
  • Focus and discipline are non-negotiables

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