How much sleep did you get last night?

Disney Characters at St Mary Lake
Summer 2018.

How much sleep did you get last night?

How about the night before?

How about on average for the past week?

Questions like this are designed to help you think.

These are questions that eventually should be self-directed and continuously asked until the answers lead to personal vibrancy.

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The single biggest adversary for not having physical vibrancy

Teenager in Disney monorail
We are writing our future legacy today


The single biggest adversary for not having physical vibrancy?

What is the overarching key motivator for you to not only get healthy, but to stay healthy for a lifetime?

A quick, ready answer is what we are looking for, not a specific answer, simply one that rolls off the tip of our tongue and sounds completely believable and inspiring.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the single biggest adversary – stuttering with our answer.

MLC’s answer you ask?

To be an example, not a warning.

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Which would you rather be?

Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule
Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule


Which would you rather be? Haven’t asked this in a year, maybe two (or three):

Would you rather be the fastest of the slowest? Or the slowest of the fastest?

No right or wrong answer, and our answer accurately describes our approach to life – which again, is neither right nor wrong.

The insight is that we ought to know ourselves and what our answer implies.

And milk it for all it’s worth, or change it.

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The exercise answer? Drumroll please……..

excuse whisperer
yes, your excuse is invalid (photo from Internet)

Yesterday’s question has a simple answer. So simple in fact, most people ignore it because they believe their problems challenges “can’t be that simple to solve“.

The exercise answer to the most important first step……… is staying motivated. Fail this and you will fail. Conquer this and you conquer failure.

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