Studying Health Is Futile

Ran only once last week. It was the best I could do. Life may slow you down, but don’t let life make you stop…

Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile. – Mary Ritter Beard

Action is required. Plain and simple. You can accept this fact, but not until you act on it will your life move in a positive, more healthy direction.

This will be one of the biggest, and longest, challenges of your life.

Tell me you are worth it, and mean it.

And by mean it, show us.

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Ready to Fight?

Frozen, Hardened
Frozen, Hardened

Are you ready to fight for your life?

Then, and only then, will you start to see the changes you’ve always dreamed of.

May I introduce your opponent?

It’s you.  You are the challenge. You are the problem. You are the opportunity.

It’s time to kick your own butt.  Seriously, it is.

If not you, who?  if not now, when?

Ps.  I’m dead serious about this.