Like Many Young Children, I Dreamt Of Representing My Country At The Olympic Games

Boy, what an immature and impossible goal that was. Ever look back on how ridiculous your “big dreams” were?

One of the most motivating things you will ever do is to dust off an old childhood dream and do whatever it takes to make it come true.

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If You Want To Do Something Great, Even If It’s As Small As Achieving A Childhood Dream, It’s Up To You

It still makes me smile at how quickly and easily this simple business card was to make. Took 5,000 of these beauties to Finland, August 2009.

And it makes me cry laugh how many I came back with. Dream big. Launch, learn, revise. Repeat.

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It Hit Me Yesterday Why Motivation Is Something To Focus On Every Single Day

The temptation to bail from these blogs is understandable. On one hand rave reviews. On the other, complaints that it’s a broken record.

You be the judge – watch the complainers for awhile, and then decide which approach is more effective long term.

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