What’s Easier?

Stadium Steps At Indiana University, May 13
Stadium Steps At Indiana University, May 13

Life is pretty simple.  We all know this to be true, however, we most likely forget.

We really have only two choices when it comes to our health. Focus on it or don’t focus on it.

Which leads us to one more simple truth, and again, there are only two choices here.

Give up trying because it’s too difficult, or never give up trying.

I’ll bet you struggle with this as much as I do. That’s one of the main reason’s Lane 8 exists in the first place – to nourish the people who have chosen the later.

Sacrifice Is Required


Sacrifice is required. And so is patience. You already know this. And you also know how difficult, and some would even say impossible, these are.

Yet we must, over time, develop the good habits that let us have a positive outlook, in spite of the setbacks and missed opportunities. It is our only hope for hope.

Four days ago, I had to pass on the Florida State Masters Track & Field Championships. It’s a 30-minute drive., and my “home track”.  But I’ve spent years with chronic foot pain and am not ready to compete again.

Health Is Wealth

Health Is Wealth
Health Is Wealth

Health is wealth.

That’s what the 93-year old woman said.

She always said it.

She had a wisdom about her that only comes from seeing it all. A lifetime of sorting through the “meaning of life”.

In 1989, Cheryl and I returned to Pennsylvania for our Best Man’s wedding.

It was during that trip that Grammy died in my arms.

And for some unknown reason this morning, I’m recalling what Grammy always said like it was yesterday.

It’s Up To You

Age With Determination And Grace
Age With Determination And Grace

It’s a choice, every day.

It’s your choice.

It’ll always be your choice.

Life gets so busy.

It tempts us.

It pressures us.

To think we have no choice.

I do. We do. You do.


It’s up to you.