How To Feel Young Again

It’s inevitable, isn’t it? No stopping it, is there? Not a single person is immune from it.

The aging process.

The more we read and the longer we live, the observations remain conclusive – feeling young comes down to the basics.

This Everyday Health article, 10 Ways to Feel Young Again, just arrived a few minutes ago. I enjoyed the quick reminder that there are specific “basics” we can do to feel younger and more alive.

Predictably, one of them is “join a cause“.

Runners Blog Or Health Blog?

Tell Him Exercise Is Too Difficult
Tell Him Exercise Is Too Difficult

How often do you struggle with things that ought to be pretty simple?

And when it comes to your health, what and how do you stay motivated?

Lane 8 is a health blog.

The catch is, I’m a runner.

Running is how I stay active. But running is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Running goals, ultimately, are simply a carrot.

The Second Month

Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet
Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet

Same thing, kept adding an additional mailbox each week, so after two months, it was a very slow jog for 800 meters.

The third month I began adding an additional 400 meters (quarter mile) to each week. Meaning the third month looked like this:

  1. First week = 1,200 meters
  2. Second week -= 1,600 meters (1 mile)
  3. Third week = 2,000 meters
  4. Fourth week = 2,400 meters (1.5 miles)

It took ten weeks to reach 1,600 meters, a mile. A VERY slow mile.

Who’s got the patience to wait 2.5 months before they can finish one mile?

Blog Comments & the BFO

It Took A Month To Go Around Once
It Took A Month To Go Around Once

Ever heard the acronym, BFO?

BFO……. Blinding Flash of the Obvious.

Wanted to mention the obvious, because it may not be. Blog comments add a rich thread to the social media conversation. In fact, yesterday, David left a comment that also included a website called c25k.  It proposes that you can go from couch potato to running a sub-30 minute 5k in nine weeks.

Sound too good to be true? You’ll have to decide.

When I started running 11 years ago, I jogged, very slowly, to my neighbors mailbox that first day, and did it four more days that week. The second week, I ran past the first mailbox to the second and did that for a week. The third week, ran past the first two mailboxes to the third. Did that each day for a week. Mailboxes are 100 meters apart.

So it took one month before I was running 400 meters, the equivalent to one lap around a track. A month. Are ya with me. The second four weeks…. (to be continued).