Working hard on letting it go

Diseases of the Digestive System chart
Don’t get me started…


Working hard on letting it go. What?

Letting go of the small, often nagging feeling – for the decline in engagement from MLC to Lane8.

Looking around at the human population, it’s an understatement to say the majority do not make physical health a prirority.

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One of jeff noel’s most frequently asked questions

jeff noel running near Disney World
Running and writing typically happen before the sun rises (but not this day)


One of jeff noel’s most frequently asked questions:

Run or write?

Each morning there is time pressure. Pressure varies, but is always there.

Neither can be sacrificed. Both can be compromised.

But by how much and for how long?

This plagues us throughout our lifetime – sorting and committing to priorities.

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Which would you rather be?

Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule
Hana, Hawaii High School 2013 Track & Field Schedule


Which would you rather be? Haven’t asked this in a year, maybe two (or three):

Would you rather be the fastest of the slowest? Or the slowest of the fastest?

No right or wrong answer, and our answer accurately describes our approach to life – which again, is neither right nor wrong.

The insight is that we ought to know ourselves and what our answer implies.

And milk it for all it’s worth, or change it.

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