What’s Your Biggest Obstacle?

The Truth Can Be Very Scary
The Truth Can Be Very Scary

The biggest obstacle humans have, it seems, is that we want everything to be easy.

Marketers and Advertisers make their living making things easier for us, or making us believe things will get easier.

The brutal reality?

It just ain’t so.

The truth hurts. And it also sets us free.

Work hard today. And tomorrow. And like, for the rest of your life. We can coast when we’re dead.

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Everything’s Great Until…

Bank On It! I Am.
Bank On It! I Am.

Cliches. My friend claims a saying doesn’t reach cliche status until it is universally accepted as “truth”.

“Everything’s great, until it’s not.”

Managing our motivation to exercise and diet is one thing. Staying healthy is a completely separate category.

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Serious Injury Recovery

San Juan Islands 1984
San Juan Islands 1984

If you exercise, you are eventually going to hurt yourself. Minor or major, it’s bound to happen. Minor stuff almost isn’t worth talking about. But the serious stuff, the stuff that could make you give up….

When you have a comprehensive approach to serious injury recovery, and there’s nothing more the Doctor can do, then your job is to do all you can, for as long as it takes.

Over time, you can experiment with reducing or eliminating certain treatments or remedies. One step at a time, you ween your body back to your natural state before your injury.

And you should say this until you’re blue in the face, “Stay healthy, have fun!”

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Yep, That's Me
Yep, That's Me

Not Sure What To Say

You Got Green Lights For Exercising
You Got Green Lights For Exercising

Will you be exercising today? You know, walking, jogging, biking, rolling, swimming, yoga, gym, yard work, or any other derivative?

I’m really not sure what to say when I encounter people who don’t do anything to promote their physical health.

I feel guilty. Is that crazy?

What do you think?

Ok, I said what I wanted to say. Now it’s time to head to a quiet place and pray for additional guidance.

How Is Your Health?

Start Working On Your Excuses
Start Working On Your Excuses

Do you find yourself being interested in this question, or do you quickly change the subject?

If you’re interested, great.

If you change the subject, you have an awesome opportunity not to.

I’m not you, but if I was, I wouldn’t wait until January 1st to make a resolution. I’d be formulating it right now, working slowly and steadily at making enough small changes that come January 1, 2011, you’ll feel like this is the year you won’t fail.

Have a great Monday. Are you heading over to jeff noel.org?