Dear Son, if one can happen so can the other – bank on this

United Kingdom at Epcot sidewalk chalk art
We can make anything more beautiful with just a few special touches


Dear Son,

Until Winter’s International trips to sub-freezing temperatures, a sub six-minute mile was easy. Like a walk in the park. At will. On demand.

Today’s run will attempt to do it for the first time in several tries.

Setbacks happen.

Son, so do comebacks.

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Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

Scene from God's Not Dead
There will always be a million reasons to quit or back down


Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

How scary is it that it may quickly fade…. “like it always does”?

Biking everyday and walking…

As natural as anything can be for a human body.



It either becomes a part of life or it doesn’t.

We know this.

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Do you give the middle finger where you come from?

Do you give the middle finger where you come from?

I’m from York County, Pennsylvania. Which seems insignificant, except that our Mid Life Celebration Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer has a direct connection to Amanda Weaver (in the video), and I have a direct connection with Lorie.

And yesterday was our Son’s 7th colonoscopy. He turned 13 three days prior. Do the math.

Amanda was a recent college graduate, a healthy, active varsity basketball player.

And then she gave colon cancer the finger. Big time.



Giving Cancer the Middle Finger from Ty Morin on Vimeo.

Health is wealth. We know this, but we are so dang busy attending to life’s fast pace that we put things off.

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Dear Son, promise to never be intimidated by someone else’s success

ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex
Years of hard work paid off for your Cousin (top right) and her team


Dear Son, promise to never be intimidated by someone else’s success.

The fact that I ran a routine sub-six minute mile at age 53, without killing myself this morning… this is the sort of thing that happens when you just keep moving forward.

No quitting. No excuses. A clear goal (to be your health role model). And finding a million ways to stay motivated.

Dear readers, same for all of us. Everybody cool with that?

We’ve covered mental and physical, now scoot over to emotional (spiritual), click go.