The importance of self awareness and the world’s best keep diet secret revealed

a red flag
a red flag


It’s a scary thing, not being self-aware. It’s sorta like leaving the door to our soul unlocked and unguarded.

Maybe the best diet in the world would be to be able to eat anything we wanted, as long as we ate in the presence of the undernourished and the excessively overweight – and we were all naked.

Sometime a two-by-four to the forehead is all we need.

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Basic yoga for dummies video was better than expected

It was early Sunday morning, January 6, about 100 days ago. Remember?

Not likely, right?

But we can remember, like we remember every year in January, there’s an opportunity to start with a fresh slate, a blank canvas, a renewed focus.

Our health is something we don’t intend to neglect, it’s just that life gets so busy. Can I get an amen for “life gets so busy”?

Odds are most of us, mostly because we’re human, have fallen away from our 100-day old ambition.

That’s where this video comes in…  Basic yoga for dummies video was better than expected:



Don’t forget…

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One hundred days since we promised… where are we today?

Jack the Teddy Bear in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop
Jack the Teddy Bear in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop


clever saying in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop
clever saying in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop


One hundred days since we promised ourselves 2013 is gonna be different… where are we today? Something about the end of the year, another year that got away from us. Too busy to focus on our health the way we wanted to.

Many of us recommitted with a white hot resolve that 2013 is OUR year!

One hundred days later, here we stand.

Where do we stand?

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