When physically overwhelmed, do these five things…

Some view the summit from the bottom, some walk up, some run up… and some never leave home…

summit views

When physically overwhelmed, do these five things:

  • remember being healthy is a BFO – blinding flash of the obvious
  • recall how you feel when you are very healthy
  • every small step away from quitting is a good step
  • learn to live with never ending priority challenges
  • you’re doctor never prescribed no exercise and no sensible eating

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Physical fear, failure and finish lines

A outdoorsman’s friend’s t-shirt…

hike naked

Physical fear, failure and finish lines. Competition as a carrot to keep moving, is the best thing an aging Baby Boomer can use to make exercise fun, exciting, and challenging… can you imagine doing anything for the rest of your life that wasn’t?

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Insight: Think the finish line for the end of our life is distant? Truth? No one knows. Let’s hope it is. Why not stay healthy for the entirity?

Two more physical health aha’s from summer camp

The Boy Scout oath (below) directs boys and men there, but not the motto…

Boy Scout Oath

Two more physical health aha’s from summer camp:

  1. The Boy Scout motto is Be prepared
  2. Who gets to decide what gets dropped from the role-model-this list?

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Insight: None of the items on the shirt are optional, even though visual inspection leads us to believe physically fit is an option.