How Bad Do You Want It?

Saw This Random Bumper Sticker 3 Days Ago
Saw This Random Bumper Sticker 3 Days Ago

Apparently, and collectively as a Nation, we don’t want it bad enough.

We want it to be easy.

We want it to be quick.

We want it to not interfere with our routine.

We want it to taste good.

We want it to be pain-free.

And over 2/3 of our population is in desperate need.

The only time we can get people to run is when we ask, “How bad do you want it?”

The More You Write, The More

How Did That Tree Start Growing In Another Tree?
How'd A Tree Start Growing In Another Tree?

The more you write, the more you discover.

The more you discover, the more you want to know.

The more you want to know, the more you seek.

The farther you seek, the more you know.

The more that you know, the more you write.

Same for running and health.

Quite Showing Off She Said

Jesus Was A Showoff?
Jesus Was A Showoff?

And I thought, “Showing off? I’m not showing off!”

Remember what Gandhi said, “You must become the change you wish to see in the world.”

It’s a fairly common stereotype, or paradigm, to think that 51 year olds are not even close to being in great physical condition.

Mostly it’s true. And it’s true because not many 51 year olds are in great physical condition, which only fuels the ridiculous paradigm.

We need role models, but not role models who can talk about it. We need role models who can lead the way  – by doing it. And the only way we can know they can do it, is if they do.

I guess Barak Obama is a show off for being the first black president, or Jesus for dying on the cross, or Mother Teresa, Oprah, Steve Jobs…

Quite Showing Off…

My Intentions Were Noble
My Intentions Were Noble

Two days ago I overheard the conversation in the hallway about recommitting to getting healthier. Dude, I froze in my tracks. This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 11 years.

You know the story, one mailbox a day for the first week…

So anyway, after listening for a minute or two, I grab the door ledge and lift my legs parallel with the floor, hanging, in my suit, for about 10 seconds, just to show that age is no barrier.

“Quite showing off….