Procedure Went Well

My "Packet" From Yesterday Morning's Visit
My "Packet" From Yesterday Morning's Visit

Diet and exercise are just two health challenges. Others, like internal organs, sleep, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, skin, illness, disorders, come with the package.

Your goal of decent (not superb) health is a lot of work. Even more work is not being in decent health…. Yep, the long way is the shortcut…

Yesterday morning’s routine “over-50” colonoscopy went well. It feels good to know. Without the screening, you don’t.

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Love Your Feet?

An average day of walking puts a force equal to several hundred tons of pressure on our feet, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association.

That’s a lot to ask of the 26 small bones and hundred-plus tiny muscles and tendons in each foot.

That’s why your feet are more subject to injury than any other part of your body.

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1 More Thing About (Teeth) Passion

Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated...
Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated...

Did any of you pick up on the subtle message?

How do we give 100% day in and day out?

Doing the same thing over and over and over.

Whether it’s cleaning teeth, working at the call center, writing five daily blogs, or focusing on our health and wellness goals, how do we ensure we never go through the motions?

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