How Are Your Summer Get-In-Better-Physical-Condition Plans Going?

If we borrow money, we have a payment plan to pay it back. If we want to learn something new, we carve out time to read or be instructed. If our spirit is hurting, we pray, read, meditate, talk.

Bottom line, we have to make the plan that will work. This always involves one game-changing excuse to be overcome – finding time. Find it. Then go.

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But Wait jeff noel, Who’s Got An Hour A Day?

Everyone. You see, there’s problem number one, thinking it has to be one continuous hour. Is that the best we can do, be so closed-minded?

There are many combinations to reach one hour a day. Figure it out, says jeff noel. Then go. And if you can’t commit to an hour, commit to what you can, and build on that.

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