Does a hernia on the eve of a 54th birthday cancel the 2013 comeback?

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Lane 8 is the upper right box – Body (we move)


Does a hernia on the eve of a 54th birthday cancel the 2013 comeback?

Ten days ago the runner suffered an inguinal hernia while working.

Masters Track & Field Nationals are in 25 days.

This morning’s 5:50 mile felt good.

Dropping down to the 800.

Attendance depends on surgery date.

Impossible is for amateurs.

Stay motivated.


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Normal is expensive, the jeff noel insight

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world-class status begets world-class status


Normal is expensive is another in a very long list of brilliant Hugh MacLeod – Gaping Void posts – business insights.

Let’s look at people who don’t exercise, eat decently, nor rest adequately.

It’s normal isn’t it?

Majority of Americans fit this description.

So my take is yes, normal is indeed expensive.

Different strokes (insights) for different folks.

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PS. Seth Godin, Hugh MacLeod, and Brian Clark are the three thought-leaders I have the utmost respect for. And if they ever watched a Masters Track & Field meet and experienced my 54-year old art, perhaps there’d be a kindred spirit (if there isn’t already).

Working hard on letting it go

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Don’t get me started…


Working hard on letting it go. What?

Letting go of the small, often nagging feeling – for the decline in engagement from MLC to Lane8.

Looking around at the human population, it’s an understatement to say the majority do not make physical health a prirority.

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The misleading assumption about competition

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The setbacks never go away, neither should our motivation


The misleading assumption about competition:

Doing well in competitions, not excluding a medal-winning performance, is not the goal.

The goal is to not quit. Trying to win is simply a tactic to keep the never-ending temptation to quit at bay.

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