No more than 3 or 4 days ago

Look Darling, you can never neglect your body. Also, you can never wear a cape.

No more than 3 or 4 days ago.


Your answer to, “When was the last time you exercised?”

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Want some cheese with that whine?


Want some cheese with that whine?

Have an invitation to be a Disney podcast guest in two days. The challenge is it starts at 8:00 PM.

Dude, seriously?

Remember the preaching about not conforming to fit in?

Who should give?

Would my answer be different if Tim Ferriss invited me on his show?



Questions like these almost always start with, “It depends.”

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

The long way is the short cut

Walt Disney World toll plaza entrance
Study like you mean it.

The long way is the short cut.

August 6, 2018 we began running as a Family. One mailbox a day for a week.

We added an additional mailbox most weeks, but in some weeks, we didn’t add a mailbox.

Mailboxes here average 100 meters apart.

One mile would be 16 mailboxes. 

We began week 24 this morning.

Just shy of half a year and we have finally made it to one mile without stopping.

The long way is the short cut.

And yeah, study like you mean it – it reveals insights like “the long way is the short cut”.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


The habit is over-taking me

jeff noel Disney speaker
Training is generally step by step. Development is insatiably situational. You can develop others simply by telling them your stories – why you do what you do and how you’ve changed and grown in the process.

The habit is over-taking me.

And i couldn’t be happier.

Eating well, especially since i quit sugar on Halloween 2018, is energizing me in an unexpected way.

It’s helping me see that what i thought was impossible isn’t nearly as challenging once you rewire the habit.

Now the mind is auto-programmed; “Why would i ever want to put sugar into my engine.”

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.