Diverticulosis or Diverticulitis?

Room For More

Ever heard of Diverticulitis?  Become aware of it, and understand how your eating habits will increase or reduce your odds of getting it.

It ain’t pretty. Diverticulitis can become painful. Close to half of Americans will be impacted. Doc told me Thursday, during my annual physical, I have diverticulosis.

Here’s an informative Everyday Health article to help you quickly understand what this is and what you can do about it.

Or, we could stick our heads in the sand.

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Don’t Exercise For Longevity

Why is Oregon’s legandary Hayward Field my iPhone’s screen saver…

Have you ever written something that made your skin tingle? Yesterday’s post did. Because it revealed a dormant thought…

I don’t exercise to live longer. I exercise to stay healthy, enjoy life, and glorify the creator who gave me this body.

Not for vanity to look good on the outside, but for how it feels on the inside. Do you get this? And more importantly, do you do anything about it?

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Something Is Seriously Wrong

Prefontaine Was Legendary For Pain Endurance
Prefontaine Was Legendary For Pain Endurance

Ever have some ache or pain and wonder what to do about it? Wonder how long it will last? Or expect it to go away in a few days?

Me too.

For three weeks, resting, stretching, taking it very easy, being careful.

And the pain is getting worse.

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