Four deadly things the herd loves

Fully stocked Movie Theater candy counter
So easy to indulge when you live in a first world country


The herd loves:

  • excess
  • distractions
  • medications
  • entertainment

The movement loves these things too, just differently.

In moderation.

And self-control.

Because the payoff is exponentially higher, which seems out of reach to the herd.

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Mental attitude and physical wellbeing are blood relatives

runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Jogged past the truck, never saw anyone sitting in it


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Gloves are so easily replaceable, it’s ridiculous to worry about it for a even a second


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Thankful it was only a brush burn and not a broken arm, shoulder, wrist, etc


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
The fall destroyed the front glass


Mental attitude and physical wellbeing are blood relatives.

Jogged yesterday morning. Tripped and fell hard on the sidewalk. Brush burn on hip, hurt left shoulder, ripped holes in both gloves (it was 45 degrees in Orlando), and smashed the new iPhone 5s.

Jason, the Terminix driver, shouted as I lie on the ground, ‘Are you okay?”

It took a few minutes, but the attitude went from:

  • let’s sue for damages and neglect to…
  • thank goodness this wasn’t a car accident and no ambulance/hospital is needed

When we are balanced, we detach from old, societal habits quickly.

The peace and joy we gain is beyond the ability to articulate.

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Happy New Lies?

New Years Resolutions
Photo lifted from a New Year’s Day FB update…


Happy New Lies?

What if the resolution in the photo said:

Be healthy in 2014?

How many lies will we tell ourselves over the course of our lives?

When will we say enough is enough. No more lying, only doing.

Fall down seven, get up eight.


Never, right?

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