Does freedom stem from peace and contentment?

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Inspire and be inspired


Does freedom stem from peace and contentment?

Will we ever be free without good, decent health?

This is assuming we have no adverse medical condition(s).

Seems peace and contentment is contingent on our ability to triumph over slothfulness.

To feel like a victor in charge, not a victim at the mercy of daily living.

We either exercised yesterday or we didn’t.

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Because she loves to run, we think she loves to run

Wellness word cloud
The successful ones always seem to have something we never will


Because she loves to run, we think she loves to run.

But she struggles.

And no one knows.

Some days, and often for weeks at a time, she struggles to enjoy it.

She wants to quit.

It becomes a have to do, a need to do, not a get to do.

This is truth and when we feel like her, plow through it.


But do not quit!

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Fed Up?

Fed Up?



What we don’t do today is a leading indicator of what we won’t do tomorrow.

If we want to be doing different (healthier) things in the future, it will eventually need to begin today.

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